Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric dentistry is essential for ensuring healthy teeth and gums in children and also for teaching children about proper dental
hygiene, such as brushing and flossing techniques, among other things. Children are often unaware of the risks associated with not caring for
their own oral health, such as the development of cavities and gum disease.  Therefore, it is important to encourage thorough teeth
cleaning at a young age and to continually check for tooth decay, so that any small problems that may develop can be addressed before they
become larger problems.

Benefits of Pediatric Dentistry

Numerous families take advantage of dental practices that specialize in pediatric dentistry because of the beneficial impact they provide
for their children’s dental futures.

One of the most effective treatments offered at a practice focused on is a simple routine teeth cleaning and dental examination.  Teeth
cleanings are typically scheduled every 6-12 months and involve a meticulous brushing and flossing session.  This also allows the
dentist to check for cavities or other problems with a child’s teeth. The dentist may also offer a fluoride treatment, which guards against
tooth decay by strengthening teeth and making them more impervious to sugars and plaque bacteria.  Fluoride comes in various forms, such as foam, gel, and varnish, and the dentist will choose the best option for the child.


During these routine visits, the dentist will also take x-rays of the child’s mouth according to a set schedule.  These pictures allow the
dentist to examine teeth, roots, soft tissue and bones that cannot be seen with the naked eye.  With the use of x-rays, dentists can see
bone damage, tooth decay, dental injuries, impacted teeth and other tooth maladies.  Without this simple procedure, developing problems
with a child’s mouth can go undetected and, worse, untreated.


My Child has a Cavity, now what?

If a child has a cavity, tooth decay, or a cracked tooth, a tooth filling may be necessary.  This procedure involves the removal of the
damaged part of the tooth and the replacement of the decayed portion with a silver or tooth-colored filling.  Fillings bond to the existing
tooth and strengthen it, which stops additional decay or damage. Tooth-colored fillings are optimal because of their natural appearance
and longer lifespan.  Dental sealants also can protect against further tooth decay.  Tooth extractions may be required if a tooth is damaged
beyond repair, although in children the need for this procedure is fairly rare.

Once children enter their teenage years, orthodontic procedures are a terrific way to ensure that teeth and jawbones are properly aligned.
This is important because teeth that are not aligned can lead to biting problems and other issues.  The most common orthodontic
procedure is the application of braces.  Braces are available in two forms: traditional and Invisalign.  Traditional braces are visible
(usually metal) and are applied to each individual tooth, while Invisalign braces are clear plastic aligners that function similar to
a mouthpiece.  Both types of braces straighten teeth and improve patients’ smiles, although traditional metal braces are more common in

Whether a trip to the dentist involves a routine cleaning, a dental filling, a set of x-rays or the application of braces, the branch of
pediatric dentistry provides the expertise necessary to address children’s specific dental needs.  These needs can be handled by a
pediatric dentist who is experienced in treating only children or a family dental practice, such as our dental clinics, that is equipped
to handle the dental needs of the whole family.





Success Stories

Liewe Dr Ettienne,
Baie dankie dat jy die droewige vooruitsig van ‘n voortandlose-mond, vir ons dogtertjie, Cara-Renette (10) kon omskep in ‘n pragtige glimlag. Dankie dat ons op ‘n Vrydagaand, na-uurs op jou knoppie kon druk, na ‘n traumatiese ervaring waarin sy haar voortand uitgeval het en vir jou baie goeie advies en behulpsaamheid. Cara-Renette het na hierdie slegte voorval, soveel respek vir jou gekry en sy het geen vrees vir ‘n tandarts nie. Dankie dat jy so sagkins met haar gewerk het en dat jy haar tand weer so mooi kon herstel.
Met 2 sussies en ‘n boetie wat nog in haar spore volg, sal ons beslis jou spreekkamer se drempel heel moontlik nog deurtrap en definitief die goeie woord versprei.

Dankie vir jou onbaatsugtige diens!


Herda en Cara-Renette Ponting


When you receive a call from the school that your almost 10 year old girl fainted at school and knocked out her two permanent front teeth, as a mom you expect the worst – teeth implants, a plate that she has to wear daily with two little fake front teeth.  Driving to Centurion from Johannesburg I guided my husband who fetched her from school straight to Dr Ettienne Ferreira, our dentist.  By the time I reached the dentist rooms, Dr managed to save her original front teeth in the dentist chair that arrived in a tissue at his rooms.  We will forever be extremely grateful to Dr Ettienne and his staff for the phenomenal service we received on the day.  After a morning in theatre two weeks later and a couple of regular check-ups, my daughter Kaylé is fully recovered – Partaking in regular sports activities with gum guards and her passion modelling.
